Parent and Carer Support

This service is essential to the well-being of the child, young person and their parents/carer. We have Expert Parent/Carers that you can call in times of worry and stress.

Worried? Tired? Stressed? Call us in confidence. As we say here at SCYSS, If in doubt? Call it out you!

You can join our WhatsApp group of parents to ask questions or seek advice. You are also welcome to pop in every Friday from 4pm to 8pm to have a light dinner with us or to attend one of our monthly hosted drop-in Friday’s call us on 0800 084 2809 or 020 7277 2777 for more information.

We understand how daunting hospital admissions are and the disruption it causes for the whole family. Remember you are not alone! Please feel free to contact me so that we can talk at or fill in the form on our contact page.