Key Facts

Sickle cell is the most prevalent genetic disease in the UK, yet we are experiencing shortfalls in blood donation’s that make life comfortable and pain-free for many children and young people.

Did you know that Sickle cell can cause stroke in children between the ages of 2 to 16? With early identification of risks, many will not go on to have a stroke as far as they are able to remain on a blood transfusion program.

Here are some more key facts about sickle cell anaemia.

  • Sickle cell is the most common genetic disorder in the UK
  • Approximately 1 in 7 adults of African and Caribbean descent in the UK carry the sickle cell gene.
  • Most young people do not know their genotype even in high prevalence areas.
  • 20% of children with sickle cell disease will have a stroke by the age of 16.
  • In 2010/11 NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Screening Programme identified 17,354 women as carriers.

Please visit the NHS website here for more information.